You can vitalize your walls, outdoor places, veranda, and balconies by using countless number of design possibilities. Imagine a wall in your kitchen at which fresh herbs grow…
Life of Flower is a vertical garden system that is unique and modular product which is patented and everybody can easily creat his/her own vertical garden. You can establish your own vertical gardens in every size and form at any empty place. This is a system which is easily and practically mounted and has every apparatus to transform your wall into a garden.
This hive has all structural solutions to move your gardens onto your walls and you can watch your nature at the place you sit down.
Mounting the Life of Flower Vertical Garden is an only process of mounting 2 main parts that forms it and it is very easy. You can connect more than two platforms and you can create vertical gardens in any form or dimension.
You can easily increase the number of hives and create vertical gardens in any width with any type of plants due to this design.
“My garden, it is the prime time that I spared for myself…”